Date: 12 September 1999
Characters: Lisa Turpin, Angelina Johnson
Location: Respective
Status: Private
Summary: Lisa takes a few minutes to say hello to Angelina.
Completion: Complete
Bloody hell, it's been a long week. Work's been a bit more harried than usual because of some foreign dignitaries or some such that have been touring the Ministry. I've been coming home and falling asleep early most night, and that's just because our boss has been stressed--and thus passing it down to us--not because of the cases. Had a casual sort of date with Terry tonight, though, so that was nice, even if I'm bloody exhausted.
How have you been? Saw Cho briefly yesterday, and she said you'd taken some dance lessons on Tuesday. I might have to see if Terry's interested, maybe come along next time. She also mentioned she'd gone with Stephen, but that's about all I could get out of her. Maybe you'll have better luck? (haha)
Anyway, I just wanted to drop you a quick note, since I hadn't seen you in a little while. Something next week? A run, lunch, dinner, whatever.