RP: Running with Scissors

Jan 20, 2009 18:59

Date: 20 August 1999
Characters: Reed 'RB' Bradley, Terry Boot
Location: Duncan's Barber Shop in Diagon Alley
Status: Public
Summary: Reed is getting his hair cut. Maybe. Possibly. He's not sure.
Completion: Complete

RB was seriously reconsidering this idea.

Seriously. As in he wasn't sure he wouldn't prefer Azkaban over this. Well, that was ridiculous actually, he wouldn't prefer Azkaban, but this place wasn't exactly leaving him with a warm, fuzzy feeling inside either. More like knots and a mild sense of terror.

He had to wonder if anyone had ever lost an ear or an eye in here. It seemed like all it would take was one little slip and tip of your nose or your earlobe would be chopped off. Scissors weren't supposed to float about snipping at people's heads without a person touching them. The levitating combs weren't too bad but the scissors were really right out. He was wondering what on earth had possessed him to think a wizarding barber shop was worth a try.

Reed really wanted to get up and walk out. He did. It was only that the three chairs of customers with shears and combs flying about their heads seemed to take it all in stride that had him riveted to his chair, waiting his turn to be mutilated.

place: duncan's barber shop, august 1999, reed bradley, terry boot

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