Date: 16 July 1999
Characters: Harry Potter, Hermione Granger
Location: London
Status: Private
Summary: Hermione and Harry go for a walk after dinner, talk, and possibly steal some kisses.
Completion: Complete
Harry was stuffed. The beef thing they'd had for dinner had been good enough for extra helpings and, come to that, so had dessert. He'd worked up quite an appetite at work today, but at the moment, he didn't even want to look at food. After they'd cleaned up, he'd asked Hermione if she fancied a walk, and she'd agreed.
Usually they took a walk on the weekends, but this was a pretty night for it, and they hadn't really talked in a bit. She liked to talk and things, he knew, so he was trying to work on that. Even if things like Ron's possible move weren't anything he particularly wanted to think or talk about.
As they walked, he took her hand in his. "What did you get up to today?"