Date: 12 July, 1999
Characters: Verity Jackson, Open
Location: Weasley's Wizard Wheezes
Status: Public
Summary: Verity has a mishap adventure
Completion: InComplete
George had liked the idea Lavender and she had come up with, and the front window on the left currently sported sand, and a bright umbrella, a pretty mannequin with a grass skirt and leis, and the sound of the sea coming from a small seashell in the corner.
The right hand window, however, was causing problems. A misplaced packet of Amazing Avalanche had detonated--well, that could be the only word for it, right? It exploded snow everywhere, and it was apparently refusing to diffuse. Defuse. Whatever!
It was supposed to last thirty minutes, then disappear, leaving no residue or meltwater, but... "Oh, bugger..." Verity grabbed for an empty carton and flattened it, tossing it onto the drift and climbing aboard. The shop was filling quickly, and she didn't feel like being trapped under a display of Hangmen... The gaggle of charmed penguins scrambled joyfully out of the window display, sliding on their bellies across the floor of the shoppe, waddling to the top of the drifts to slide again.
She stretched a hand and grabbed for the Pygmy Puff cage, pulling it onto her makeshift platform, brushing a bit of snow out of the bottom so they wouldn't chill.
Oh why, oh why had she told George she'd be fine? Go ahead, Mr. Weasley. I'll be fine, Mr. Weasley. I've locked up a thousand times, Mr. Weasley... The drifts finally slowed, settling to the level of the front counter and sloping toward the door... Verity sighed and settled crosslegged on the box, resting an elbow on the cage, her chin in her hand, to wait for Spring.