Date: May 22, 1999 Characters: Tracey Davis, Kevin Entwhistle, Millie Bulstrode Location: 40 S. Vinewood, Hogsmeade Status: Private (Millie?) Summary: Chicken soup for the soul. Er, throat. Completion: Complete
Kevin was glancing at Tracey from the table as she put the kettle on the stove. "Yes, it is.." he sais softly, standing to walk towards his flatmate. "Are you alright, Tracey?" he asked reaching out for her and tucking her hair away so he'd have a good look at her. He frowned, not really liking the red irritation at each sides of her nose and her watery eyes.
"If you give me a few minutes, I've got a recipe of chicken and noodles soup so I could make some with the leftover." he told her, biting his lower lip.
"I'm going to nick it if you don't mind," she said, brushing his hand away and sniffling. "Don't come too close, I don't want to get you sick."
She pulled out the leftovers and searched through the cupboards for a pot. "Don't worry about it. I'm just going to toss it all into some broth." She gathered everything up, nudging him out of the way. She'd feel awful if he got sick, not to mention how disgusting she felt at having someone see her up close like this. "Seriously. I'm fine. My mum and I make soup all the time. Totally easy." She sneezed again, blowing her nose and coughing into her tissue. How fabulous. And attractive.
"Yes, easy.." he said, nodding. "But you need rest, and you will contaminate your own soup. Just go in the living room, and I'll bring you tea and soup totally germ free." Kevin told her softly, but firmly. "And there is no arguement possible, Tracey."
Millie yawned as she entered the house, the impending dinner and sleep the most appealing thing she'd thought of all day. She was taking the night off studying, more because she needed a break than because she didn't need to be studying. It had been a long week, starting with the revelation that her mother had left mementos, a diary, all sorts of things she'd never known about. It had thrown her off a bit, and after running the wrong diagnostics twice in a day, Nurse Ratched had suggested strongly to her that she needed to take some time to sort her head out. She'd thought that good advice, and was prepared to stuff her face and fall asleep as soon as she could.
Seeing her roommates camped out in the front room gave her pause. She took her robes off and hung them up, moving in to throw herself on the wingchair in the corner.
"So we rallying for a reason, or just because we're full of roommate togetherly affection?" She asked, masking a yawn.
Kevin looked up at Millie and smiled. "Hello there, stranger." he said with a wink. "There is chicken and rice soup in the kitchen, I made more than enough for you too. I already ate."
Kevin rested his head back against the head of the couch and closed his eyes, his hand still on Tracey's feet to keep them from being cold. "Mornings sucks sometimes, I agree with you, Tracey."
"Yeah it's really good soup, Millie. Grab some," Tracey insisted, finishing her own bowl and setting the tray down on the ground. "How's things at work?"
"Wonderful. Just give me a few...." She yawned again. "Sorry. What's the occasion." She frowned when she heard Tracey's rather hoarse voice. "I see." She came to her feet, pulling out her wand and starting the diagnostic routine, concentrating.
"Nothing serious, but I bet it still feels like crap." She concluded, eyeing Kevin on the couch. "I might have a potion to help, but mostly just rest and staying hydrated is the best way to recover."
She nudged Kevin's foot. "What's this about mornings?" She added to Tracey, "I had my head in the clouds, so a night off is in the cards for the night."
Kevin blinked at the noises Millie made but shrugged it off, more preoccupied by Tracey's feet on his lap. It was one thing that she had tucked them underneath, but now she had shifted and not only remained comfortably snuggled, but she even went far ahead than anything Kevin had tought of.
"Oh yeah, making your vertebrae pop is the best moment of a day." he answered, chuckling as he kept stroking Tracey foot, now looking more and more like a footrub.
Tracey closed her eyes and snuggled deeper into the sofa. Kevin's touches were soothing and made her want to maybe take a quick nap. She pulled her blanket tighter around her and hummed.
"That potion worked wonders, Millie," she sniffed. "And that hot soup really helped my throat."
She nudge Kevin's hand with her toe and grinned. "I have the best flatmates."
"Damn straight you do. Though if you get bad enough to require bed baths, I'm definitely leaving that to Kevin. If he doesn't pass out." She was feeling relaxed enough to snark a bit at them both.
"Please tell me there's something for dessert." She slowly rolled to her feet, pausing at the blood rush. "I need something sweet before I'm out for the night."
"Mum sent us an apple pie. Go ahead and get yourself a piece." he told her, getting comfortable himself, rubbing Tracey's other foot now. "Oh and if you need bed baths, it's my Mum we'll call for that. She's a nurse.."
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"If you give me a few minutes, I've got a recipe of chicken and noodles soup so I could make some with the leftover." he told her, biting his lower lip.
She pulled out the leftovers and searched through the cupboards for a pot. "Don't worry about it. I'm just going to toss it all into some broth." She gathered everything up, nudging him out of the way. She'd feel awful if he got sick, not to mention how disgusting she felt at having someone see her up close like this. "Seriously. I'm fine. My mum and I make soup all the time. Totally easy." She sneezed again, blowing her nose and coughing into her tissue. How fabulous. And attractive.
Seeing her roommates camped out in the front room gave her pause. She took her robes off and hung them up, moving in to throw herself on the wingchair in the corner.
"So we rallying for a reason, or just because we're full of roommate togetherly affection?" She asked, masking a yawn.
Kevin rested his head back against the head of the couch and closed his eyes, his hand still on Tracey's feet to keep them from being cold. "Mornings sucks sometimes, I agree with you, Tracey."
"Nothing serious, but I bet it still feels like crap." She concluded, eyeing Kevin on the couch. "I might have a potion to help, but mostly just rest and staying hydrated is the best way to recover."
She nudged Kevin's foot. "What's this about mornings?" She added to Tracey, "I had my head in the clouds, so a night off is in the cards for the night."
"Oh yeah, making your vertebrae pop is the best moment of a day." he answered, chuckling as he kept stroking Tracey foot, now looking more and more like a footrub.
"That potion worked wonders, Millie," she sniffed. "And that hot soup really helped my throat."
She nudge Kevin's hand with her toe and grinned. "I have the best flatmates."
"Please tell me there's something for dessert." She slowly rolled to her feet, pausing at the blood rush. "I need something sweet before I'm out for the night."
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