Date: Sunday, April 14, 1999
Characters: Wayne Hopkins, Susan Bones
Location: Susan's house, Susan's flat
Status: Private
Summary: Wayne helps Susan move
Completion: Incomplete
It had been a long time since Wayne had seen Susan. Probably back when they still had classes and were taking NEWTs. He had been surprised to get her owl asking for help moving. Not because he didn't want to help, but because he knew she was involved with McLaggen and would have figured she had help from her boyfriend. Course, he hadn't seen McLaggen around lately at the flats, not that that meant anything, really. With the hours he was working at the pub, he hadn't had as much time to just lie around or be social.
He arrived at Susan's house a little before nine. He had a meeting later in the afternoon with the Minister of Magic, which was bloody awkward cause he kept envisioning saying something that got him sent out of this world or something. Was silly, but it didn't make him any more relaxed about maybe working for one of the most powerful people around.
Least his concerns over that had helped him relax at work and get used to everything there. He enjoyed cooking, more than he honestly had expected, and he was kinda excited about posting notices regarding a cooking class soon. He just wanted to make sure he had thought of everything he needed to before arranging that. And he hoped that at least five people would sign up to participate or he'd have to cancel the idea.
When he decided that he'd lingered outside long enough, especially with it snowing, of all bloody things, he walked up to Susan's door and knocked. He hadn't wanted to be so early that she wasn't ready, but it was close to time now.