RP: A Lunch Outting

Sep 05, 2008 08:48

Date: Friday, 5 April 1999 | Lunch
Characters: Ginny Weasley, Wayne Hopkins
Location: Three Broomsticks
Status: Public
Summary: Ginny picks up a few quills and some parchment before stopping by the pub for a quick lunch.
Completion: Complete

It was lunchtime, and Ginny figured the pub would be crowded, but she was craving the darkened room, the cushy booths, the feeling that she could melt into the walls and no one would notice.

She tucked her bag of quills and parchment beneath her arm and scooted around a few people milling around and talking. The place smelled great, and she realized how hungry she was.

She couldn't figure out if she wanted to eat at the bar of if she wanted a table, but she finally decided to slide into a booth in the back corner away from most of the noise and the people.

wayne hopkins, place: three broomsticks, ginny weasley, april 1999

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