RP: Life's Little Annoyances

Jun 28, 2008 11:34

Date: Saturday, January 28, 1999
Characters: Hermione Granger, Adrian Pucey
Location: Slugs & Jiggers, Diagon Alley
Status: Private
Summary: Hermione runs errands after work
Completion: Complete

Calendula Andrews was fortunate that hexes weren't transferable via post. Ever since she had read the letter to the editor earlier, Hermione had been tempted to locate the woman and demonstrate just how much the students had learned during the shorter school session. Of course, she wouldn't ever actually attack someone for having a different opinion than herself, even if the opinion was unsubstantiated and lacking in fact. If the editorial had actually sounded even somewhat knowledgeable about the strict schedule and overloaded course work they had to study for the prep course, though, then Hermione would have been able to respect it easier, differing or not.

There were many things in that letter that had irritated her. From the claims that they didn't deserve an opportunity to study very hard in order to take NEWTs to the blatant attack against Bill Weasley, she hadn't felt this angry in awhile. Then there had been her long day at work. McGonagall had received more post than she had since the summer, some from names that were familiar from back then, questioning the prep program and hiring choices and who knows what other paranoid nonsense. The editorial had obviously meant to incite a negative reaction, and it had succeeded. Fortunately, there had also been a lot of letters of support, which helped balance her mood. Still, she had had to work late in order to take care of everything on her desk, and there had still be post arriving as she left.

Instead of going to get something to eat, she took the Floo from the Three Broomsticks to Slugs & Jiggers. With NEWTs approaching, she wanted to work on practical potions, as well as make a small supply of potions that might help her classmates during the upcoming three weeks. She hoped to make pepper up potion, because if she could master that then she'd not have to buy it anymore, as well as a few bottles of Calming Draught and Draught of Peace. She had mastered those back in fifth year, but it was always nice to refresh her memory.

There were also a couple of more difficult potions that she wanted to practice at home because she had a feeling that they'd be on the practical potions exam. She'd buy extra ingredients, so that Harry and Ron could also revise for practical potions before their exams. That was the subject that most concerned both of them, she knew, and she wanted to do her best to make sure that they were confident before NEWTs.

She entered the apothecary and began to browse ingredients. When she focused on that and began making lists in her mind, she was able to focus on something positive instead of ridiculous letters to the editor.

hermione granger, place: slugs & jiggers apothecary, adrian pucey, january 1999

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