Date: Tuesday, October 4, 1998
Characters: Andromeda Tonks, Pansy Parkinson
Location: Pink Umbrella, Diagon Alley
Status: Private
Summary: Andy has lunch after a meeting in Diagon Alley
Completion: Complete
It was too bloody cold for early October. The wind and rain didn't help, either. Or maybe it was just one of those days. Regardless, Andy was annoyed. Her calendar had to be rearranged because the manager of the Morgana had decided that there was one crisis or another that needed her attention. After she'd cleared time to go visit with him, she'd found him flailing around like an imbecile. One would think the hotel had never hosted such an event.
It didn't really matter that they hadn't because, really, they should be prepared. Besides, it wasn't as if they were having to do very much beyond provide space and accomodations to whichever ball guests decided to make a night out of the entire thing. If anything, they were profiting several times over. She expected more from the place, so they were proving to be a disappointment, good reputation or not. Once the crisis, which had been a simple minor problem, had been resolved, she was cranky and tired of smiling while being polite.
She'd arrange for the committee to get the food issue figured out at the meeting this week. Bollocks. She needed to check with Arthur to make sure he'd sent the notices to the committee about Friday's meeting. This ridiculous ball was becoming more of a pain in the arse than she expected, and she still didn't even really want to attend. Thank God they weren't calling it a celebration ball or a victory ball. She'd put her foot down on that, because it could potentially become an annual celebration of the Ministry and not be a reminder of a horrible way that took too many lives.
If Ted were alive, he'd make it enjoyable. He'd wear dashing robes and dance with her all night while whispering lewd things in her ear. He was gone, though, and had been long enough that it wasn't as easy to remember the sound of his voice or the way he smelled. She could still remember his face, at least. She never wanted to forget that, even as she moved on with her life. Her thoughts had gone from angry and annoyed to maudlin all in the space of a dozen steps, which was an indication that she might want to take a break before returning to the office. It was lunch time, so she'd just eat in Diagon Alley before going back to work.
She stepped through rain puddles and made her way to the Pink Umbrella because it was closest. It wasn't too busy yet, so she asked for a table and was quickly seated. Once she sat down, she took a deep breath and let it out slowly before ordering a glass of water and opening the menu.