Date: September 6, 1998
Characters: Seamus Finnigan, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Neville Longbottom, Terry Boot, anyone else want a go?
Location: Transfiguration classroom to Great Hall
Status: Public
Summary: Catching up with friends
Completion: Incomplete
"So I says to her, fat chance o' you getting one over on ol' Seamus Finnigan, lass. Now take
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"Its all in how you bluff, mate. She thought I was scairt of her, but I's just faked it to get her distracted, like." He shrugged, playing down the fact that he hadn't been sure if she wouldn't have hexed his bits to a jar and held them ransom over a bloody piece of cloth.
"Brilliant." He bounced a bit as he moved in front of Harry, walking backwards as he talked. "We can kidnap him if it comes to that. Might be fun to do anyway, yeah? Or Dean. Wanker's been scarce." He frowned a bit at that. He'd unwound enough since the battle to not panic about Dean, but he still got tense if he didn't see him at least daily. "I've a muggle card game I wants us to play. Called bullshite. Reckon I might win?" He grinned.
"Neville might have to be kidnapped," Harry said, thinking how long it had been since they'd just hung out. He frowned. "Dean, too. You're living with him -- he get a girl, as well?" He glanced quizzically at Seamus and grinned. "You? Good at Bullshite? I can't imagine."
"What's this about wankers and bullshite and cards?" Ron asked, smirking as he sat down. "For a second I thought you said wanking and bullshite and cards." Ron pulled a face. He'd had enough of listening to his dorm mates' bashing the bishop over the years; he was glad for his privacy now.
"Dean's a wanker on the pull, but I'm a wanker who's got me bird." He grinned, though eyed Ron warily. He wasn't sure how it would go talking about Lav with him, since he had history there as well. "The two of you are just plain wankers. And Nev better be too." He made a face.
"Men's Night. Youse know, Cards, drinks, belching, all sorts of bullshite, including Harry-boy's balls. 'M thinking I needs to show him how to grow an Irish pair, so's he can pull with class." He grabbed a pitcher of butterbeer, pouring a glass.
Harry gave Seamus a lighthearted punch to the arm. "You're the wanker here, mate." When Ron walked in, he sent a nod and waved him over, smirking at Seamus' words. "Yeah -- apparently Irish bollocks are far better for playing with girls' knickers -- not sure I'm into that, though."
"And what's this about girls' knickers?" Neville blushed a bit, but thankfully kept from sniggering.
He bit his lip to keep from laughing. Once he'd stopped being pissed off, he had to admit Seamus' solution had been amusing. At least to Seamus.
Nev came up and he looked at Ron quickly before saying, "Better not be on the pull like these two wankers. Thinking Ginny might mind."
He flushed a bit when Terry piped up, but spoke in his own defense. "Oi! I was practicing in me backyard. Bright red kits are a distracting target. I changed it back, didn't I? She didn't have to wail like a bloody banshee." He did a quick imitation of Katie's shrieking, ululating his voice like a yeti. "Bet you thought it was funny, prat. Never thanked me proper for that. Seeing as the only way youse can shut her gob is by snogging her senseless." He snickered.
He hadn't known Seamus was seeing Lavender; but they hadn't been the best at keeping in touch lately, so maybe that wasn't too surprising. He looked at Ron, wondering if he knew that Seamus was making time with his ex. Not that it mattered, really, Harry guessed. He wasn't nearly as bothered by Neville's relationship with Ginny as he might have thought.
"You seein' anyone, Ron?" He thought Ron and Hermione might be circling around something in sixth year but maybe they decided they were better off friends. Neville looked around for Ginny again, just to reassure himself she was okay.
"You're a lucky bloke, Seamus," he said. "Lavender's a great girl. 'm not sure you deserve her, but she can always toss you out if you bollocks up." He looked at Neville, who seemed a mite uncomfortable with all the talk about pulling and knickers and such. Good. Ron didn't want to think about Neville thinking about his sister's knickers. He noticed Katie walking nearby; she was shooting him a glare that would kill a Basilisk, and he knew exactly why. There was no way he was going to blab, though. He was looking forward to whatever she planned to do to Seamus.
"Nope, not me," he said. "Free as a bird. Not really looking right now either, y'know? Been a bit too busy with other stuff to worry much about birds."
"Lavender is a great girl," he agreed, ignoring Seamus' comments about Katie. He'd not mentioned the chicken knickers affair at work; it would've made him either laugh or want to hex Finnigan and it was easier to just avoid the topic. "And she makes great bread too. Bet Finnigan knows which side his bread is buttered on, yeah?"
Katie had passed by them a moment earlier, and Terry had given her a sly look, hoping he could catch up with her later on.
"Got to work on that, mate. Bird makes some of this school shite that much better, yeah, Terry?" He directed the remark towards the Ravenclaw who'd both saved and set him up that weekend. He snickered at Terry's remark. "Aye, so's I do. So do you, if your fast work with Bell's any indicator. You lads know Boot here's got himself a red bird, in more ways than one?" He winked. "She's a fair banshee, but I bet that just makes her better when youse get her alone, aye?" He was teasing, easy enough to do with a bunch of blokes.
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