Jan 20, 2008 11:26
Date: 19 August 1998
Characters: Victoria Frobisher
Location: Hogwarts
Status: Private
Summary: After a busy week, Victoria realizes she still has things to do
Completion: Complete
Sprout's words were stilll running through her head when she had gotten back from her first apparition lesson. It wasn't her job to 'fix it." And she had a feeling that was why she splinced. Not from being told that weeks ago but because, she'd had an image of her father, drunk, flash through her mind in the middle of trying.
That night, instead of going back to the tower, she'd gone to their flat in Hogsmeade and told Edmund all of it. In a way it felt like a betrayal, but she couldn't do this on her own, she didn't know how. A brisk hug, and he was gone, leaving her wondering, but it was out of her hands at that moment.
Instead she headed back to school, and did whatever task was needed, and surprised herself by reveling somewhat in the solitude.
As the Tower was mostly empty, she could do whatever she wanted, and found out that wasn't much. But she read up on her old school books and felt like she was getting a hold on it again. And she obsessed with apparating, or at least not splinching herself again.
And in that she had succeeded, passing her test when it finally came on the first round. Her sense of accomplishment was dimmed somewhat by the feeling she was still an outsider in the celebrations, her own doing she realized, and by the fact she couldn't share it with her Mum.
Instead, Edmund had gone with her to Diagon Alley, and bought her dinner before presenting her with three envelopes.
She ended up crying in her pudding as she read the first two. Somehow she never expected her Mom to apologize, or tell her none of it was her fault, but reading that she still loved her and wanted her around, magic and all, made her teary beyond belief.
It took a moment before she recognized what the next envelope contained. Her dad had committed himself. Detox, she believed it was called in the non-magical world. She cold picture what had gone into getting that done, and from the look in Edmund's eyes she knew it had taken a toll, but she loved her Uncle all the more for it.
And lastly..."Your parents should have given this to you on your birthday. I should have too, for that matter." Opening the last one, she saw a key.
"It's your's. Your grandparent's, my parent's set this up for you. Now it's yours to do with as you will. You won't be rich off of this, but managed and used wisely, it will cover your 'bread and butter' and the occasional bit of 'jam'. Any extravagent treats though, you will need to work for, but you have your own financial security now."
Back at their flat where she would be staying until school started again, she sat on her bed and thought about it all. She was of age, something that had never occurred to her before then. And she could apparate. She still felt immensly proud of that, especially as Edmund had told her that both he and her father had failed their first tests.
It still wasn't her favourite means of transport, though it was better than the Floo. She'd prefer a broom, but she didn't have her own.
Which was something to rectify; nothing fancy, just something to get her to and fro.
Grabbing parchment and a quill she wrote: Broom.
Pondering she added: school books. There really wasn't that much she needed or wanted.
Was there anything else she needed to do.
Grabbing a fresh sheet of parchment she began to write....she had a couple of OWL's to send.
victoria frobisher,
august 1998,
place: hogwarts