Date: 22 May, 1998
Characters: George Weasley, Lee Jordan
Location: WWW, Diagon Alley, Elsewhere if need be
Status: Private
Summary: George needs a few things
Completion: Complete
George had been down once more to the back room and he had a mental, and a partially physical, list of things they'd need for the party. This thought had led him to investigate the front of the shop.
Hidden behind a picture of two boys scuffling in a school yard, was an ornate wall safe. The safe had been a find of Arthur's that the twins had talked their father out of. The lock was terribly complicated and put up great bars. It had not, in fact, been broken into. Any thief finding said safe and managing to get it open would have found precisely eleven galleons in a small leather bag. George laughed and looked behind him to tell Fred that...
He shut the painting and drew his wand, tapping it on the rubbish bin in the corner of the painting. The bin expanded and opened. George inserted his hand and drew out a large bag filled with far more than eleven galleons. He and Fred had always kept a bit of a stash on hand, for emergencies.
George bounded back up the stairs after putting all to rights. "Lee! Hey, mate. Where are you? Want to go shopping with me? Need to get a few things."