Jan 14, 2008 18:05
Date: 14 August 1998
Characters: Draco Malfoy, Greg Goyle
Location: 44 South Vinewood Avenue
Summary: Draco has a bit of a shock.
Completion: Complete
It had started as an average night after work. He'd come 'home' directly for once. Strange that he was no longer just calling it that, but actually thinking it, too. The place was a haven; a home that wasn't the manor, even though he'd now moved in all the furniture he desired. He was out of his boxes and put away, had set up his flute and music book by the window where he could see out as he played, and had taken over the desk with research papers.
He was stepping out on a new project; not entirely sure of one end or the other just yet. He was determined to make something of himself, and that meant not feeling sorry for himself any more. If he could do something between now and when he took his NEWTs - better yet, find some footing that he had not inherited when his probation finally ended...
Draco would change things. He'd proove people like Slughorn wrong. He would change what people thought when they said 'Malfoy'. One day, hopefully soon, they'd hear his name and say 'Oh, Malfoy; isn't he that young man that did that thing?' and not mean 'joined the Death Eaters'.
He would show them. He'd show Nott and Pansy and Alicia. No...no, he wasn't angry. He took a calm breath and took down his washing bag from the hook by the door, and his dressing gown from beside it, which he hooked over his arm. He pushed open the door and stepped out, heading for the bathroom and humming a phrase of music that he was having particular trouble mastering.
Once in the bathroom he hung up his dressing gown and stripped out of his socks, shoes and shirt, tidying them all neatly into a pile to carry back to his room when he'd washed, then went to turn on the shower, stopping, horrified, and crying out in fear when he saw what was in the bottom of the bathtub.
A spider. A reasonable large, hairy, eight legged horror beast.
He was back in the grounds, running for his life, but not knowing which side to fear the most. The Death Eaters wouldn't care about him; he was a worthless louse, pelting in the wrong direction. A coward. They'd shoot him down just as happily as anyone else. And there were the people from the school; some amongst them who would happily recognise him as an enemy and kill him just as dead.
He was unarmed. He was frightened. A huge shadow came up over the ground before him, and he turned on the spot, screaming in horror as the enormous acromantula towered over him, huge fangs dripping with venom, enormous front legs lifted up, ready to strike.
He was going to die. He was going to be eaten by an enormous spider. It came closer. He couldn't even defend himself, and it struck at him, knocking him back onto the grass, ready to strike with a killing blow. There was a flash of yellow green light and the spider shrivelled up, dried up in its body. Someone yelled 'Are you allright?' and Draco looked at them, but as their eyes met his, the person scowled in dismay and disappeared away as the spider crashed to the ground.
When Draco's legs stopped shaking he'd run - run back to the safety of the castle to hide, and he hadn't come back out until it was over.
Right now, Draco leapt up onto the toilet seat and sat on the cistern, staring at the bathrub, afraid to come down.
august 1998,
draco malfoy,
place: private residence,
greg goyle