The Unpacking

Apr 15, 2008 15:37

The Boy

As cute as he is, he cannot organize a damn thing to save his life. I am well aware that this could all just be a ploy to get me to do the work for him, but damn, why do the dishes need to take four different shelves? Why is the only closet automatically dubbed the 'coat closet' for his ONE coat? I'll pretty sure I'll be an alcoholic soon.

On the plus side, it takes him 4.5 minutes to get to work and he comes home for lunch on the days I don't have class and we watch Mythbusters and snuggle.

The Neighborhood

Is highly adorable. There are bunches of little parks scattered everywhere and the place is well set up for foot traffic and appears to have much of everything I could ever wish to buy within one exit on the I405. Well everything except for Whole Foods, Uwajimaya, and Jamba Juice which I can travel to Bellevue for. And then of course, there is Ikea. My nearest friend is a 10 minute drive away. The second nearest are both about 20 minutes across various bridges into Seattle. I've cut my commute to Jen by an entire half hour. As long as they don't ask me to drive through rush hour for them everything will remain fine.

The puppies are everywhere! Every time I go outside there is a new pint sized pooch that wants to sniff me. The day we signed the lease it was a gorgeous buff and tan stay at home daddy (maybe it's because I'm biased with my class but he totally looked Brazilian) with a baby strapped to his chest with a baby pug on a leash. (/whimper) I think Flaadhun the Furious will be happening sooner than any of us thought possible. Oh god and Lyn said she would make him a little felguard suit (and once again I'm crying).

The Commute

It takes me 15 minutes of waiting in line to get onto the 405 (which is 2.5 blocks from my apartment) on weekday mornings. But, in the direction I drive as soon as I pass Bellevue the traffic clears and it's all a breeze at 75mph from there on.

When I leave Olympia at 6:15PM every day it puts me back on the 405 at just the time the HOV lane opens up to the general public. So far I haven't come across much of any problems. (knock on wood)

Career/ Grad School

I've expressed my concerns about my lack of ideas for my future since this social work crap fell apart on me. And surprisingly, two distinctly different faculty have come up with similar ideas based on my strengths. Because I'm able to express the importance of a topic in a way that usually invokes an emotional reaction in others, it seems as though there is a market for my type of style in Grant Writing. I think it sounds extremely stressful, and I can only imagine how hard I would be on myself if my clients grant was rejected. But still, I am intrigued.
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