The symbols could not be glaring at me more. I get it - I’m digesting it. Nutwood. Brookhurst. Bullet Belts. And this craving for a burger. Okaaaayyy. I’m on it. The new tattoo on my finger won’t let me forget - I promise.
Went to a show of the one who fucked me over - literally and figuratively. That was last night. And I let go a bit. Now I’m not talking completely, just a pathetic 20 percent, but it’s something. Also dressed as an asshole - Justine joined in on this as well - I got cute boys to hit on me and found a new band to help out and support. We traipsed arm in arm and paraded ourselves around - bro ho and scene chick. Ya know - sometimes you just have to force yourself to laugh at life.
I’m putting off things I need to be doing. Procrastination is my enemy right now - but it’s so tempting. I’d rather sit on this heap of technology than write an overdue article or draft a lovely letter to Kev.
The music video was scrapped due to a heated argument between me and the director. Sucks for me, but she’s the one burning bridges. Apparently I’m “a star and need to be pushed until explosion.” Strike that. I’m a human being and if you push me hard enough, I simply break.
It’s unknown what today holds, but for the time being I can say that I am ready to conquer it in stilettos and tight black jeans. Bring it.