Hiii~ ro_tvxq here! *^^*
..well *uhg*.. actually.. I feel pretty bad.. = o =
Yesterday I uploaded "9095" and I felt happy, since I finally finished it.. but then livejournal wouldn't let me put it in one go so I had to seperate it in 4 parts!! well... it was then when I got upset..
Secondly, I'm really busy with school (I'm aways.. it's no fun anymore T^T).. Tomorrow I have a test.. *sigh* M&O (Management and Organisation).. I don't understand it at all..
And then to the next point, I'm feeling sick.. (not mentally = o =) I think I have a cold or something.. *haawwuuu* and I need to go to school tomorrow to do my test >O< / (don't wanna don't wanna don't wanna~~)
Shall I stop? I'm really irritating you guys.. TT__TT
Well actually I wanted to tell you guys I sang for an audience last weekend, but I started to complain and such and I forgot.. but well.. I told you now =D I try to upload it on livejournal tomorrow (I'll try!!!!!!!!!)
And I have something other to announce.. maybe at school I'm going to play the piano at the Christmas Show (I don't know what's called..) But every year we have a sort of Christmas Performance at school.. singing, instrumental music, a play.. it's fun... and since I play the piano I thought.. well this year I can participate too! *^O^* (but it's not official yet, so maybe I won't do it...) We'll see..
I can't seperate with my new obsession: strawberry juice.. it's so tasty!! \ \ >O< / /
JJ tweeted in English today~ I was in school and then it happened I was on twitter and it was so cute~ (I squealed in classes.. >O< .. kekeke~)
Last but not least "Stand by U II: I'll be there" chapter 06 will be online around this Saturday.. whoow.. It will be an interesting chapter :3
I'm going to study now.. bye bye~
take care all, it's cold outside and the temperature is below zero so take care of your health!!