Oct 17, 2005 01:47
so the followup tidbit was that after I had that intense rollercoaster evening of psychedness and fairly pointless stupid insecure deflation, I had a dream the only part of which I remember was kissing this girl I like a lot and am friends with [yes, in real life, OK?] It was really nice; the next day I was cheered up & wondering "woah, I'll bet she does kiss kind of like that!!!" [hello 'the difference between dream kiss and dream kiss!' (one being the way you imagine kisses would be in dreams, when you are awake; the other being the way you imagine kisses would be in life, when you are dreaming.) see, I almost never dream about kissing people. It was really nice. (I know I said that already. its at least twice as true as just saying it. it was really nice!)
much better than drowning, car crashes, pointless arguments with my parents, or cruising around NYC behind a pushmower carrying heavy luggage trying to meet my friends at a bakery, or whatever fuck I usually dream about.