I don't post.

Jan 17, 2007 13:28

Well, here we are, middle of January, and I have had nothing to say since I first signed on to lj. Maybe this is because I was on holiday break and living in he real world all this time (HA!) Or maybe it was because I never got my password set up right and never bothered to get that fixed. Anyway, here I am.

School is up and running. This semester I have peds and I feel I am so screwed. Most of the class has kids. I have none, my friends have none, I have nil exposure to the little walking petri dishes. We have also been told that we can draw alot from our Child Developement and Family Systems class that I never took. Clepping seemed like such a good idea at the time (it still does, actually). I will just have to play catch-up. Well, back to the books!
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