Nov 08, 2007 20:25
Japanese class was very interesting today...
We had to present a 5 minute skit in which we were the teacher and had to teach the class numbers, greetings, classroom objects, or hiragana. I was absent the 2 days we got the project and worked on it so I had to do it all last night (not a hard project so I was pretty confident :/). In the project, we had to include polite directions such as "Yonde kudasai" (Please read), "Shizukani shite kudasai" (Please be quiet), so because I wasn't expecting anyone in the class to be noisy while I was presenting, I asked Alex (he's usually okay in Japanese, although he jokes around a lot) to just make a noise or something while I was presenting so that I could work "shizukani shite kudasai" into my script... SO, it was getting close to the end of my presentation and I twirled my hair (the cue for Alex to talk to his neighbor or make some noise). Now, I was expecting him to make a little noise or something, but instead, to O-sensei's horror, he suddenly stood up and started violently swinging his arms and babbling incoherently. The look on O-sensei's face was PRICELESS. She was obviously mortified seeing as how she was standing right next to him, so I managed to choke out "Shizukani shite kudasai..." and Alex then calmly sat back down and behaved normally as if nothing had happened. IT WAS GREAT. Needless to say, I missed a couple lines of monologue off my script, but I don't think it mattered at that point. XD
More tales to come (hopefully) ~
japanese class,