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May 12, 2005 21:03

so today was coool.. i guess.. it went by really fast, school did anyway.. and thats always good.. it was rad in math, john drew this totally awesome monster.. thing.. that took up like half the desk, and we all did a good job of hiding it till he went to grab a book to cover it up so she wouldnt see it when we left.. and she saw it:( and made him erase it.. dang.. then in second i wrote katie a dang loong note, and we were watching GIRL ITNERUPTED, tahts sad:( goood though.. then in third we had a guest speaker, those are always fun.. then lunch was great.. and theeen fourth was totally rad haha.. in gym we played ultimate frisby and yeah, it was rad haha.. after school i came home, and somehow that time went by FAST and then my parents had a softball game at sandy beach so i called trevor(lyden) and i met him there and we walked around and took pictures on the trail, i like it on that trail:) I'd show you some but there arent many goood ones.. maybe later..

anyway.. that was my day..

i noticed that i listen to senses fail and underoath a lot.. rad..

i'm kinda too lazy right now to do a survey, i feel like crap.. so uh.. yeah.. you should leave comments becuase they make me happy inside.. and make me want to dance becuase dancing is fun.. do it.. lindsay and stefanie had fun last time, i guarentee yoouu will:) Rad.
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