Title: Chachapoya Pachamama
Style: Prose
Genre: Crack
Words: 470
Rating: R
Length: Drabble
Pairings: Beckington
Warnings: Language, MPreg, Crack
cassiopayaCharacters: Cutler Beckett, Mercer, James Norrington, Theodore Groves, Tia Dalma, Saunders, etc…
Disclaimer: Not mine.
madame_doodle and
touchofvioletNotes: I cannot seem to write anything serious, so I will write something silly: Beckington MPreg. I blame
lady_elizabeth2 for egging me on and an old discussion about MPreg on
rnotc that inspired
galadhir, aka
potboy, to write a Gillington MPreg fic. This is the smutty chapter, don't say I didn't warn you!
Part: 2