
Oct 14, 2004 02:00

damn i am really bored and yet really awake id still be at jerads aunts but everyone went beddy by so i came home. plus only one not drunk. so yea im stealin gi jennis thing cuz once again im bored out of my mind. thank u

1)Using band names, spell out your name:
R - Relient K

Y - Yellowcard

A - Avenged sevenfold

N - Nirvana

2) have you ever had a song written about you? sorry to say no i havent but i bet it be the sweetest song ever though
3) what song makes you cry? chad ozias - sad to say (wrote for my cousin)
4) what song makes you happy? anything fall out boy or rock

height: 5’9
hair color: brown
skin color: medium(still a white boy though)
eye color: blue
piercings: 3
tattoos: hopefully in the future

what color pants are you wearing?: not wearing pants lol
what song are you listening to?: starting line - nothing short of a miracle
what taste is in your mouth?: toothpaste
how are you? good, bored as fuck though

get motion sickness?: nope, only on rollercoasters
have a bad habit?: dont wear seatbelt usually
get along with your parents?: sometimes dont we all

book: im a guy so im gonna have to say playboy
non alcoholic drink: water or gatorade
alcoholic drink: Beer Baby
thing to do on the weekend: drink my fav. alcoholic drink and hang out with my wang out

broken the law: u dont wanna see my record trust me
ran away from home: kicked out once
snuck out of the house: not since i was like 14

ever gone skinny dipping: please
made a prank phone call: only to jenni from ip-relay
skipped school before: who hasnt
been in a school play: fuck no

Girlfriend/Boyfriend: nope...want one though been.
children: not that i know of lol
secret crush: wouldnt be a secret if i told now would it =)
been in love: yes
had a hard time getting over someone: yes sir but once ur over it u dont even think twice
been hurt: one time
your greatest regret: being too attached, cause alot more troubles in long run

your cd player has in it right now: The Early November
what makes you happy: being around peopel that make me laugh and have a good time

time you cried: no idea
you got e-mail: today from my teacher
thing you purchased: case of beer
kissed someone: dont kiss and tell
had sex: ... not to long ago but not to soon

wanted to hit someone: today in class
were in love: love never fades
who was the last person you talked to: ashley k
the last person that made you laugh: Danny Gomez biggest kid alive
the last song you listened to: Something Corporate - Konstantine, still playing weird.

yea im that bored i even color coded every thing. i need to go to bed now.

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