Aug 30, 2004 20:05
havwnt updated much computers broke but lets see what been. happening. thursdya went to kid rock paviline tickets free i got that hook up. so me dillard jerad and jesse go. near end dillard passes out for no reason y i dont know. so yea kid rock is a fuckin stud dude. he can do what ever the fuck he wants. so the next day we go out to henry graces and fuckin have a good ol tme. cooked some dogs. had a fire and camped out. bought my new g/f bessy and we chilled all night long, shes a beer bong by the way. foudn out a new sweet as drinkin game and dont remember much else from that night. so we wake up and everyones gone. but there stuff is all still there. so im like freakin out ok everyone left me, a god damn bear must have ate em. so yea i find dilard and jerad and everyone else is still gone. oh well. so we played golf on his course and used the tents and targets. ended up puttin holes in some but what can ya do. that nigth went to jesses moms for alexis' bday party and then went home to shower, met up with mount jerad ashley and chelsea and went to where road. where i dont know. then went to brittney vogels and feel alseep till 5 in the morning and then ended up leavin. next sunday didnt do a damn thing watch vmas and chappele show. now im here at jesses moms gettin my schedule for school cuz my computers broke. btu im out i here football on tv. peae biiiitch