I am really proud of this one.

Sep 09, 2007 21:18


Insomnia- It’s during these times of night that the energy rushes
The creative passion of the soul is harnessed
Inspiration- During these battles of resistance against status quo
When words flow like botox injections in Hollywood
Hiding worry lines and yet exposing deeper anxieties

Drink up for my love is holy and sick like the waters of Asia that people pray and shit in
I’m floating in life’s inconsistent rivers rushing me down river town to town
Because I learned long ago that the harder I swim for what I believe in
The quicker the current drags me under till I drown in my own tears
Suffocating under the weight of another lover professing that which he doth not know

My love is like Mother Mary and Poppins pulling another lamp out of my magical womb
Defying physics and anatomy lighting the way for so many others searching for doors
Hands groping in darkness hoping to be led but unwilling to follow any signs
Afraid to run into one another for fear of experiencing pain, ecstasy, or connection
Then we might know what it feels again to be touched beyond our rubber-covered skin

But I am rebirthing and I don’t need angels touching my stomach to know
That this change is real and I am growing with a child who is more innocent than before
And this I inside of me will need no man to spark the biology of motherhood
This boy will give birth to a new self unafraid of learning words like- “NO” and “Goodbye”
Willing to laugh and cry profusely in order to experience life’s highs and lows correctly

Because my love belongs to no customer - let it be reused and repaid by every willing soul
Let it fly, not needing butterfly wings for it defies man-made gravitational miscalculations
Let it rein terror over once-untouchable skyscrapers of safety that come crashing down
And I will need no blue eyes staring back into mine to view the world in happy colors
My brown eyes do just fine and I will fit in no box that the world or you seek to place me

You are my lover of past present and future, unique in all your differences but all familiar
You are they that have touched my soul as a friend and somehow became my master
You are the fucked up adult figure that has forgotten me for a mirror that reflects
You are the church with the easy answers and the salvation that never came
You are the parts of me I tried so hard to deny I nearly disappeared

I will not be restricted into patterns I have traced with tears and alcohol-induced vomit
I love like the gun firing the bullet and woman holding it to feel safe but dangerous
My arms will cradle children brought into my care through protests and activism
My eyes will see the day that I have done something to better the world around me
And my heart will never belong to another again- but I might allow for a joint custody

I am released of the past where "I" must be preceded by "You and" followed by "forever"
Because love is not enough and my logic will not allow my world to be saved by it again
So for now I am behind barriers that I built up - not to block out feeling or emotion
Because the cold I felt when I walked out your door made me more numb than any pill
Now I just want to feel my own heart beat without another to disturb its lonely rhythm

I will persist and redefine more than any aging pop-diva pleading for record sales
Never again shall I be silent and remain in my self-sustained prisons for any lover
I am not my jail keeper and in this logical world the Geneva conventions will furthermore apply
I am no criminal for loving myself for once and no terrorist for spreading peace beyond passion
I will be forgiven by myself for my sins against myself and granted freedom and justice at once

I am the struggle of a movement that does not self-multiply
I am a star fading from thoughts starting with fag and fears that end in AIDS
I am the sitcom character that keeps searching for something better to come along
Because I am never quite satisfied with the way I perceive my own self
So see my hollow features and know that  I am the mask I wear before you

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