16 day count down.

Nov 11, 2005 18:14

It is 16 days until my birthday.

Today I got up, to get ready for work. I went looking for my tupperware containers so I could pack a lunch. They are no where. So I start looking through every cupboard repetatively. Christina gets up and opens her door looking groggy and annoyed. I say 'where are my tupperware containers?' 'on the table' she says sounding pissed and goes back to bed. Good. Fuck her. She reorganized all the , except mine. I guess my goddamn fucking tupperware isn't good enough to be with everyone elses. Fuck her. I hate them all. Why the fuck would she do that?

After my birthday, which will pass without notice from my roommates my regime of anti-roommates will begin. Step one: Ignore them at all times, unless it is required that I talk to them. Brush them off when they start talking to me. Step two: When they use MY dishes etc and leave them dirty in the sink for more than one day I am putting a sign up that says 'if you are using MY dishes wash them within 6 hours of using them. I am tired of going to use MY dishes and finding that they are dirty so I have to wash them because you are to goddamn lazy to do anything you fucking spoiled morons'. Ok the last bit won't actually be there. Step three: if they continue to leave my dishes all over the place I am slowly going to remove them from the kitchen. Especially the big blue bowls they love to leave full of gross shit. Further steps will be made later.

Time for work.
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