(no subject)

Oct 20, 2006 17:43

Dig Ophelia
Consider it dug
Flowers, madness, and a polar bear rug

In Brit Lit, enjoying our Hamlet discussions.
Fun class, just so much damn work.....

I'm off to Myrtle Beach today. X, Zac, Lena, and I are having a double date. hehe. How cute.
We're actually going to pick up marriage amendment road signs, but who says we cant have a nice dinner while there?

I really need a topic for my paper.

I either want to focus on the sin of Pride in Hamlet and Dr. Faustus, or the theme of not knowing your friend from foe in Hamlet, with a focus on a modern take of the theme in Battle Royale.

That would be hot.

I think I am going to go as Steve Irwin for Halloween. I'm going to be wearing a khaki shirt, with safari shorts....and have a STINGRAY on my chest!

I am going to hell.
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