
Apr 03, 2009 04:09

Quick update, since I have wifi (finally!)

We arrived in Amsterdam last night and are staying in someone's apartment. It is very very nice (she made us breakfast of tea, coffee, orange juice, rolls, boiled eggs, cheese and an assortment of jellies, butter, and CHOCOLATE SHAVINGS. FOR YOUR TOAST. omgwearesomovinghere.) We haven't decided what we're doing today...maybe just stroll around some. Tomorrow is the Van Gogh, the Rijksmuseum and maybe the Foam Fotographie. Maybe do Anne Frank house today and then the Sex Museum (I know, unlikely combo.)

London was wonderful (and woefully expensive). Much prettier than I had expected it to be and we've had lovely weather the whole time. We have really been enjoying our trip. The only snag we had was yesterday...we had continually missed seeing Westminister Abbey (closed early on Tuesday and we had too much planned for Wednesday) but both of us REALLY wanted to see it (and if you thought I was going to visit London without seeing the Poets' Corner, you're out of your mind. I got a photo of T.S. Eliot's dedication (there was no photography allowed but I couldn't resist). Anyway, we stayed too long, then had to take the Tube back to the hotel to get our luggage, except the line was delayed and by the time we made it to Luton, the check in for our flight was closed. So we had to reschedule one for later in the day, which cost 38 pounds apiece. But, we made it to Amsterdam safe and sound, so all is well.
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