feist and folly

Jan 27, 2009 13:22

I have spent most of the day in bed. Why? Because I woke up with a migraine.

I haven't had a REAL migraine in sometime. I've had terrible headaches and even some that started with auras but this one has kicked my ass.

It started yesterday (I think)--I was having pretty bad vertigo but I thought maybe it was something to do with my blood sugar. I blew it off, cancelled my plans for the evening (sorry Christie) and took two naps before going to bed early.

This morning, Ravi kept trying to wake me up but I was in such a fog. I finally tried to get up as he was leaving and while I was brushing my teeth, the spots started. Sometimes this happens and nothing comes of it and because I hadn't had a migraine in so long, I thought maybe it was just the adrenaline of trying to wake up. Then, I sat on the edge of the bed and bet down to put on my sock and the whole room felt like it had flipped. Everything started violently spinning and it was all I could do to make it to the toilet before upending my stomach. Then the pain started. I called my boss and told her I probably wouldn't be coming in. I hate using migraines as my excuse for not doing something. Because many people don't get severe migraines, they don't understand how impeding they can be to doing ANYTHING. They think it's just a bad headache (I speak from experience of talking to numerous people that have expressed this opinion) and that taking some OTC meds will take care of it. But there was no way I was going to risk driving just to sit and work feeling like I was going to die.

Instead, I took a nap, woke up to still-grueling pain, wasn't able to fall back asleep and spent most of the day in pain. It's finally starting to wear off but I still don't trust myself to go out into the bright sun. I fixed myself a bowl of brown rice and plain yogurt (sounds gross but it is SO DELICIOUS) along with a poached egg, a glass of Sprite and some hot non-caf. tea. At least I feel human again.

In other news, Ravi and I finally finished the great living room remodel. And I never thought I'd say this but it is almost TOO clean. Like, it freaks me out how much open space there is. I might take pics and post them on here for ya'll to see. I wish I had some before shots. This place was a hot mess. We finished cleaning it on Sunday, just in time to have the Delta reading party here. The party was really nice, despite some people having cat allergies (luckily I had some Benadryl!) The way we decide what gets published is that we divide the staff into two different reading groups- prose and fiction. Then all of us (before the party) read all submissions (which are anonymous) in our categories and give it a "yes," "no," or a "maybe." Then, in the party, we read though our decisions. Whatever has a large amount of yes-es is then reviewed to be sure we want to publish it. Then the ones with lots of maybes are discussed. When it was all said and done, the prose group chose one of my non-fiction pieces to be published and the poetry group chose one of my poems. Very exciting :)

Friday night, Ravi and I went to New Orleans so Ravi could take the PCAT. We stayed with our friend Ann and her boyfriend, Brett (who was also visiting). It was a lot of fun seeing them and hanging out in New Orleans. Ravi and I went to Rue de la Course before heading to Ann's. Then the group of us went to the Delachaise, which is a really nice bar/tapas (kind of) place. Its a pretty upscale place (there are whole sections listed for kinds of bourbons, tequilas, etc...not the kind of place you'd order a cheapo cocktail) but honestly not that expensive. I had a bourbon on the rocks and it was fantastic, but I wasn't able to finish it because I hadn't really eaten that day. The food was also amazing--we snacked on frog legs fried in duck fat and a cheese platter that included goat cheese mixed with honey. Then Ravi and I got MCDonald's. ahahaha. The next day, I spent the morning reading, talking with Ann and Brett and sipping coffee. Post-PCAT, Ravi and I got Mona's, which is this AMAZING Greek/Lebanese place in NOLA.

Also, I don't know if I mentioned it here, but I was promoted, at work, to a marketing position. I've been working on ad campaigns, arranging interviews, doing research, designing ads...all kinds of fun stuff! It also has its perks--I'm going to the "Go Red for Women" luncheon as an LCA representative. So I've been really enjoying work lately, which made it all the shittier to have to miss today.

So that's that. I'll try and get some pics up later!
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