
Nov 30, 2008 09:45

Cue the gong!

Hope everyone had a nice Thanksgiving :)

Ravi and I, plus his sister, Maanasa, drove to Houma Wednesday night and stayed the night at Ravi's parents house. We watched an "Arrested Development" marathon and had Thanksgiving lunch, before heading back to Baton Rouge.

We decided to take the back roads home because they're faster. We had taken them out to Houma without incident (though Ravi and I have gotten lost before) but on the way back, we took a wrong turn somewhere and got lost. Calls to Ravi's parents were unsuccessful; I don't think they quite understood where we were and they kept telling us to go straight on a highway that dead-ended. So we stopped at a gas station in Schriever (which is a tiny little town) and we were going over the atlas when we hear someone yelling, "Hey! Hey, ya'll tryin' to get somewhere?!"
The lady walked over and she proceeded to give us kind of the worst directions ever: Turn up there and then you're going to make a right and then you'll make another right and then you'll be on 10!" We're like "um...okay?" Then she says, "I have this GPS system in my car!" She walks to the car and we think she's going to look up a map or something but she pulls it out and walks over with it. Meanwhile, another man (who had a Marvin Gaye CD in hand...? Like...just the CD, no case) walks over and gave us ACTUAL directions (Turn left on Hwy. 1, right on Spur 70 and then you'll get on 10 in Sorrento) while the woman is half-shouting, "I done TOLD em that!" She then GIVES us the GPS system, but without a charger. As we pulled away, I said, "I wonder if she stole that" and Ravi said, "I was thinking the same thing." Maanasa kept the GPS, since Ravi and I already have one.

After that bizarre situation, we made it home fine. Ravi and I drove out to my parents house for dinner (and pie!) and some crazy marathon of "The Smoking Gun presents: World's Stupidest Criminals." I felt pretty redneck watching that marathon but it was HI-larious.

I was off Friday, so I spent most of the day in bed, doing some online Christmas shopping. Hate all you want but I'm broke. I mostly bought books for people, though I did get one of Ravi's Christmas presents for a very good price. I also spent a good part of the day with debilitating stomach cramps because of some medication I used and a toothache, but it actually wasn't a bad day. When I was feeling a little better, Ravi, our friend Sean, and myself went out to eat at Bistro Byronz (it was okay, not mind-blowing) and played some Rockband. At one point, I fell asleep. I am a grandmother.

Yesterday was kind of insane. My alternator was out on my truck and I needed to jump off the truck to get it over to the auto place (about a 30 minute drive because the place where my dad got it repaired last time is closer to him than it is to me, but they had a lifetime warranty on the alternator so I had to go there). It was raining when Ravi had to leave for work, so my dad drove out and jumped the truck, then I followed him. Word of advice- if your battery is dead, don't try and drive your vehicle. Especially not on a wet road. The truck kept jerking and pulling because it was trying to die and, at one point, all the dials on the truck were flying crazily back and forth- including the odometer. I almost had a panic attack. Luckily, we made it okay and my dad replaced the alternator (which was faulty).

I then went to Target to get graduation invitations (why yes, I DO graduate on Dec. 19th and still have not mailed my invites.) I didn't buy them through LSU because I just hate how TACKY those invites are. The whole cursive foil look doesn't usually do it for me. Of course, that also left me up shit creek, so I started tearing through the cards section at Target. At first, the only invites I could find were either religious, ugly, or themed (wedding/baby shower, party). So, I thought I would make my own. I started gathering paper and cardstock, but there were no envelopes to fit the size I wanted to make. Just when I was about to drop everything and run out screaming, I came across the PRETTIEST invitations. (here. They were a little more than I wanted to spend but then I rationalized it by reminding myself that LSU invites would have been more than that and the cost (money and time wise) of making them myself would probably exceed $35. I think I will use the response cards as Thank You notes.

After that, I came home, did some schoolwork and worked on my Delta submissions. I went to Highland Coffees for a little while, then I met up with Ravi who wanted to get some food. Sean was also hungry, so we ended up getting pizza and beer and hanging out at Sean's place.

Today is more schoolwork. I need to read an essay for my capstone, work on my GINORMOUS papers some more and go work on my skit for French class. I also want to try and polish up my poetry portfolio so I can have that part of finals out of the way.
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