Does anyone still remember me? It's been quite long, I understand.
I'm writing this on my laptop at 5:30 in the morning with 28 percent battery left. I wonder if I'll finish before it cuts out on me. I've been trying to catch up with all my old friends and see what everyone has been up to... and it seems like I'm not the only one that has left this forsaken place where 14 to 16 year olds play on their drama playground. To be quite honest, I have no idea who is going to be reading this, so at the very least, I am just chronicling brief moments in my life so that my future self will say "Ye gads!? Did I really say/do that? I'm a moron!" like I am now, reading back over my previous entries.
I've started to do a lot of graphic design stuff. Just some random stuff here and there... like this:
About 95% of the above was drawn with my laptop's track pad. Wooo go apple for having a huge ass track pad and my LEET finger painting skillz!
I've been doing a lot of filming lately as well. I worked on the 72 hour film festival two weeks ago. I co-wrote, filmed, and lighted a good amount of the film. It won honorable mention which we later learned from the person who organized the whole thing that we should have won each category. Oh well, there's always next time.
Also, don't know if any of you saw on the news, but DC area hospitals just did a mass casualty drill two days ago and I filmed that over at Sibley Memorial Hospital. Most hectic thing I've ever seen in my life, but they are more prepared now than they were three days ago.
My company is also having me research into augmented reality, which is sort of like virtual reality interacting with reality. It's kind of hard to explain right now, but I'm supposed to implement it in medical simulation some how. I also was able to produce a video for my company that granted them access to showcase at a huge medical convention in San Diego. I was invited, but I declined because I didn't feel like I was able to help out much there, what with my lack of knowledge in the medical field. Instead I get to go to DV Expo West in Los Angeles instead. Flight and conference paid for by my company.
Well, I'm about to completely run out of battery thanks to illustrator sucking up so much resources and energy. Anyways, It was nice meeting up with you again.