Tina had received a fair number of responses showing interest in her idea of a romance novel book club after Commander Spock had included a notice about it in one of his newsletters. She'd replied to everyone with a suggested first title - something that was newly available via ship's library, so that everyone could read it on their personal consoles or PADDs, and the chances of anyone having read it already were low - and a date to have read it by.
Of course, things had been so consistently weird on board that she wouldn't be surprised if no one had had a chance to finish The Bolian Cowboy's Mistress. Still, she sent out another notice as the date approached, arranging a time and a place to meet for the discussion. She showed up early to the small recreation room she'd reserved, and set up with some chairs in comfortable conversational groupings, snacks and drinks, and a sign at the front with some topic ideas to get the ball rolling, including:
If you could rewrite any one scene in the novel, what would it be? What changes would you make?
The descriptions of the hero often focus on the color of his skin, his hairlessness and his bifurcating cartilaginous ridge. Is it fair to say that the text fetishizes Bolians from a Terracentric viewpoint? Why or why not?
Who was your favorite character? Your least favorite? Why?
What did you think of the plot twist in chapter nineteen? Did you agree with Dr. Hollin that it was "virtually impossible"?
Having done as much as she could without knowing how many people might show up and what they'd want to discuss, Tina sat down to re-read the last chapter of The Bolian Cowboy's Mistress while she waited for the first arrivals.
[[OOC: Treat this like a party post, with multiple "simultaneous" threads. Feel free to wander around, join and leave conversations, and talk about anything your character is interested in, whether it has to do with the novel or not. And if you do want to discuss the book, feel free to make up the plot(s) as you go. Silliness and fun highly encouraged!]]