[communications] [Tina's hotel room]

Jun 02, 2010 22:58

Tina wasn't sure what had just happened with James, other than that she'd managed to destroy another perfectly nice movie-watching experience. She should just stop spending time with him. She knew that. It would be better for both of them. But she couldn't seem to stop responding to the need she saw in him, the same loneliness and frustration that had drawn her to Spock. Though she thought she probably could bring herself to leave him alone, if it was only that. But it wasn't. She was attracted to him. Flattered by his attention. And she had her own unfulfilled needs. Obviously.

She sighed, clicked off the entertainment system, and put away the leftover pizza. Her celebratory mood was pretty much shot, but maybe she could reclaim a bit of it. She still had lots of people to tell about her new post.

Private to Captain James Kirk (kirktastic):

I'm sure you've received word of my transfer already, Sir, and I wanted to write you a note thanking you for the opportunity to serve on the Enterprise. It's been an amazing experience, and one I'll always be grateful for. I'm due to report to my new post within ten days, which doesn't give me a great deal of time to prepare, but I hope that I'll have the opportunity to take my leave of you in person.

- Tina Chapel

Private to Doctor Leonard McCoy (dctr_mccoy):

Well, it's official. I hate that I'm leaving, but I couldn't ask for a better situation, since I do have to transfer off the Enterprise. I'm going to miss working under you. More than I can express.

I'm supposed to leave within ten days. If you want to get together before I go, I'd like that.

I hope you'll be able to get along without me.

- Tina

Private to Roger Korby (roger_korby):

I thought you might like to know that I've received my new posting. I'm being reassigned to a space station, Federation Starbase 69. It's a research facility. You might find the proposed research of interest to you in your own work, actually. It might be worth looking into.

- Tina Chapel

Private to William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy and DeForest Kelley:

Hey guys! I've had word of my new posting. Looks like I'll be moving to a space station, Starbase 69. Don't laugh. Okay, you can laugh, but don't do it for too long.

Anyway, I thought you might like to know both because we're friends and I assume that you're interested in the exciting twists and turns that make up my life, and because the station is a research facility that's dedicated to studying cross-universal travel phenomena. It looks like they'll be setting up to house displaced people who need it, as part of that. So you might be interested for yourselves, as well, if you're not planning to stay on New Vulcan or with the Enterprise.

We should get together soon to chat, anyway. Without any soda.

- Tina

Private to Christine Chapel (headnursechapel):

Hey! I got my reassignment. I'm going to Starbase 69. It's a research facility, a space station, focusing on cross-universal travel. Interesting, right? Anyway, I'd love to talk to you about it some more, and just generally catch up. You had something you wanted to discuss with me, right? Should we do lunch?

- Tina

Private to Tex (tinas_bra):

Hi, Tex. I haven't seen you in ages, it seems like. I hope everything is okay? I wanted to let you know that I'm being reassigned away from the Enterprise. I don't know if that will have an effect on your own plans, whatever they are. I mean, I don't think of myself as owning you, but I don't know what your thoughts are about that, or whether you'll want to--

Maybe this would be easier to discuss in person. Do you have some free time?

- Tina


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