Much better state of mind

Aug 15, 2012 00:34

Well the last two days have brought clarity and peace within me.  I saw the OB today (I kept my scheudled appointment from my referral when I found out I was pregnant 40 days ago...)  Partially because I wanted some peace of mind, some answers and partially because I couldn't reach the office on the phone, so really had no choice but to go and tell them what happened.

The doctor was great, he reassured me that nothing I did could've caused the miscarriage, and that he knows it must be hard to lose a baby... He told me my sugars were not high enough to warrant being put on insulin therapy so soon in the pregnancy, and that the other doctor had gone slightly overboard about it.  He also said unless my sugars were in the 30's SUPER SUPER high, they had nothing to do with the miscarriage. 
The risk of infection has passed and we can try to get pregnant again after 3 cycles (YAY!) I was dreading but expecting at least 6 months, or advice for drastic weight loss which could have been more than 6 months) but nope, 3 months and we'll be good to go!  Hopefully the information about being extra fertile after a m/c is true.  I don't think I have it in me to go another 6 years trying without results. In any case, we'll be healthier and our bodies prepared for the best possible outcome!

I didn't take insulin last night and my fasting blood glucose was in normal range this morning.  I'm soooooooo happy as this confrms that I'm likely NOT diabetic outside of pregnancy.  AND by the time I get pregnant again, I'll be lighter and more insulin YAY again!

The Doc said to keep doing what I'm doing, stay healthy and come back and see him when I'm pregnant. Hopefully that'll be sooner rather than later (after the 3 months I mean)

I have been put through the emotional and physical ringer these past 2 weeks. I HAVE SURVIVED. This experience was horrible, but it has taught me so much about life and just how miraculous and fleeting it is.  I will come out of this a stronger person, who will try her damnest not to sweat the small stuff, and see greatness in life.  Something like this could tear a couple apart, but my Dear Hubby and I are weathering this storm, and will also be stronger on the otherside of things.

RIght now I'm hopeful for the future, motivated to make some changes in my life and relieved that I can try and put this away for now and get on with the life that's meant to be lived.

I will be OK.
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