Oct 24, 2008 14:52
A few years ago I read a short story titled "The Airship". It was a dystopian kind of story that I think was written by Orwell or Asimov, but I'm not really sure since when I google it I get a ton of Final Fantasy fanfics. It doesn't matter, since there are a ton of stories out there like this anyways. But the basic theme among all of them is that machines have taken over all of mankind's basic needs, like providing food and shelter. In The Airship, people spend their lives either lounging around or doing stuff like writing lectures. There's a bunch more dystopian stuff mixed in there such as all humans being isolated from each other and the surface of the world becoming uninhabitable due to pollution, but I want to talk about the part about machines becoming sufficient for providing the world's basic living necessities.
The world would really be different if people were able to create machines to take care of all that stuff, huh? If you think about it, the production of living necessities are the source of a lot of the world's problems. People don't pick up rifles and pitchforks and storm the town hall because they can't afford a TV or a Nintendo Wii. They do it because they don't have any food or a home, and also because the mayor is a witch. Job shortage is only a problem because unemployed people are starving to death and being forced to foreclose their mortgages. (I want to say foreclose "on" their mortgages. Is that grammatically correct? In other news, I foreclosed on your mom last night.)
So really, why is it that people only think of job shortages as a problem. Even if you make more jobs, people are going to be jerks anyways. Shouldn't the bigger problem be the fact that we don't have automated farming and construction robots?
This has been Sephy. I'm running for president. I promise everyone one of those ice cream machines from that Ray Bradbury story that's actually a ruse for aliens to harvest body fat from humans.
Running for dictatorship, actually. Democracy sucks when 80% of Americans are idiots.