
Young man there's no need to feel down...

Jul 27, 2004 12:12

I finally got round to phoning George, at the YMCA, to book a careers advice type meeting. Soonest he could do was next Tuesday.
Had to go to the GP's again today. Fed up of the uncertainty of work and the company the hired to do a health assessment on me but since they want a talk after the report I'll take their money until then.
I think I've decided and want to move on though.

I think the bay plant is on its last legs, or should that be roots but the rosemary is doing okay. Perhaps time to shift the rosemary into the container the fits the window sill better and add something(s) else that might survive in our kitchen.

Have to decide which days to go to the gym this week. I think Wednesday's and Fridays would be better becasue that would lead into 3 times a week much more simply.

Strange small holding simulator is still going well if not a little strangely.
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