Mar 05, 2006 22:40
Well I decided the news that I have definately deserves another blog post. But first I definately want to comment on the Oscars that were tonight if you didn't know from the barrage of radio ads, tv ads, and shameless plugs. First off Jon Stewart was awesome as host. His 6 minute intro was the funniest in recent memory and he had some pretty good jokes all night (The Spielberg Jew one was one of the best). But the best moment of the night was when 'Crash' was picked for Best Picture over 'Brokeback Mountain.' Mind you I haven't seen 'Brokeback Mountain' but 'Crash' was such an amazing movie I couldn't imagine it not winning. The second best moment of the night and believe me this was a close second was when "Its Hard Out Here For A Pimp" won for Best Song. It was absolutely hilarious to see the 36 Mafia perform that song espesically having to follow Dolly Parton.
Anyway on to my news. The biggest is that I will be moving out in a weeks time. Long story short my friend Danny, his girlfriend Sam, and I were offered a great deal and took it. The new apartment is actually the same distance from work as my house and its just a little longer to school so I won't be able to stay in bed those extra 15 minutes and watch 'Cold Pizza' on my early mornings. All of this has kind of happened in the last week and after thinking about it a couple nights I just thought that even though its not an ideal situation (closer to work and school) it was way too good of a deal to pass up and I get to live with two people who I trust and are pretty dependent. I am sure it'll be weird at first (just like all new things) but it might be better in the long run. Plus I am only like 5 - 10 minutes from home so I can always stop by and see my dogs or watch a game on HD. Whatever works.
Other news. I had an interview to move over to the Superstition Best Buy into a more sales intensive position (aka more money and higher stakes). The interview went well and the manager said that he would like to have me over there but my availability doesn't really work with his needs. So he offered me a solution which I am still mulling over at the moment. He said that I could come over there and work in PCHO at the same pay rate and then in May he would move me over to this other position. The problem is I have two reservations with that plan. I absolutely under no circumstance do I work under a handshake deal. I don't trust people I don't know to "take care of me" and if I did take this lateral move I would have to prove myself all over again and the 16 months I would've spent at Tukee would mean nothing. My only other reservation and this is a big one is that I would feel moving stores in a lateral move would be a slap in the face to my boss Hank and the rest of my department (well at least the part of my department I can respect ...which probably at the moment consists of five people). I don't know I am huge believer in loyalty (its probably why I have had the same best friend since 8th grade) and to me thats probably as far away from loyalty as you can get. Well not as far as sleeping with a guys wife and then kicking his dog but pretty close.
I cancelled my trip to Rocky Point over Spring Break partly because I am honestly not in the mood to be the fifth wheel on couples weekend and I would like to get settled into my apartment. Plus it'll let me work a little more and let me start making some money. Beside Rocky Point will always be there unless we have a Katrina like hurricane ride up the coast of Baja and if that were to happen well Rocky Point I always enjoyed you.
It looks like it took a knee guy to figure out my shoulder problem. I had to see my orthopedists associate last week and by an exam figured out my problems were coming from my AC Joint and not my rotator cuff (go figure I only had a shoulder separation that started all this). But it looks like surgery is a definate possibility. That or a cortizone shot every couple months.
Well This was a lot longer then I had meant it to be but it works. Till next time.