Jul 02, 2009 08:33
I just needed to thank a friend who I really appreciate.
Thanks Richie for the phone calls and visits after my stint in ER land and for the D&D talks (especially actually reading my drivel that I put together for the campaign world). Sorry I didn't use your LJ name, but the lj-code and remembering the numbers mixed with initials is a bit much for me this morning.
This isn't to say that everyone should do this or that I expected anything of the sort, just want to give a shout out to a very good friend and show appreciation for his support.
Beyond that, if anyone wants to get together this weekend in spite of the holiday, we don't seem to have serious plans going on right now.
Back to work and wishing I had taken my boss up on having today off (playing Spore until 3AM is dentramental to your health as a note).