(no subject)

Aug 06, 2006 18:39

so I spent two more days in the hospital. Turns out I have pericasomethingorother. Apparently my heart is being attacked by some bizarre virus that has it's lining all inflamed. I got to ride in an ambulance; that was cool. Basically what this means is that not only have the last 5 weeks of my vacation been an absolute loss, but now the next three will be as well. God damn this is an awful vacation. All I know is that I had better be absolutely 100% better by August 29th, bwcause there is no way in hell I'm going to allow anything to get in the way of school. They'll have to cart me away in an ambulance again before that happens.

Oh, and because my life isn't already stressful enough, JMU stuck me in that new dorm that used to be a Howard Johnsons. Why is that bad news? Well for one, it's a freaking mile and a half from the edge of campus, and then another 3/4 mile to the quad. How am I supposed to manage that when I can't drive after dark? Sure, I can use the busses, but depend on them always? Assume I'll never miss the one I need to get to class on time? What about weekends and those holidays that only the bus drivers get when they run like every hour if at all? I told those morons at the disability center that I couldn't do that. They said I should wait. Everything would be fine. Now I have to fix this mess, even if I have to go to the president of the school.

Oh, and Jake and Dad leave on a 12 day, once-in-a-lifetime trek through the back country of Yellowstone National Park on Tuesday. I cant go because I'm too weak to walk half a mile or carry 20 pounds.

I'm angry. I think I'll go shoot trees with the pellet gun.
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