First impressions of the ipad on NYT. Ok, so this was a long post about my ideas of where the iPad could go. but LJ ate it. It makes me sad. So here it is, or at least some of it, for the second time.
What could be done with the iPad? What do I think will be able to be done?
- I predict many medical apps. My doctor already carries a laptop wherever she goes in the office (of course I wouldn't have a primary physician who wasn't net-savvy!), I expect the iPad to replace it. Obviously Steve had dreams of making the tablets doctors used in STtNG into reality, here it is.
- games games games! Obviously more real estate will enable bigger, more complicated games, and I'm longing to play Eve Online on my future iPad. BUT, what about playing chess with 2 people at lunch? Or another game, whatever. The iPad is big enough to actually play boardgames with multiple people in small areas. OMG, I'd love to play Arkham Horror on an iPad just 30-45 minutes at a time, start a game on Monday, finish the game on Friday.
- Interactive TV (inspired by the MLB description). Ok, we've been wanting this forever, but how do you navigate a video stream in real time? Hard to do by mouse/remote control, but touch? I'm imagining watching a sports game where I can click on the players to bring up relevant wiki-like pages for them, or the coaches, or the soft drink on the field. ;) "Click here if you'd like to know more" Ah, Starship Troopers
- DND combat tracker. I'd like to sync an app for tracking monsters in D&D with a virtual keyboard (maybe ala Surface) for people to manage their figures on. Touchscreen, the light weight, and the long battery life make this perfect for tracking initiative/monsters on.
- Webcam chat. Ok, I know the iPad doesn't have a camera facing the holder of the screen. I think thats sad. :( But, a bluetootch attachment could possibly be added, clipped onto the top? I think it'd be awesome to videochat through a iPad.
What else could be done on it?