birthday was a success

Apr 13, 2009 07:38

So my birthday has come and gone, it began on Friday and wound down until Saturday night.  I had a fantastic time, and I'm very appreciative of everyone who made it.

Sorry to everyone who wasn't invited, Anna didn't decide to do this until the last minute and it went from being just a few of the people I hang out with regularly to a few more people that I don't necessarily to a few more people that I work with and such.  But really it was meant to be a smaller group, as it was I felt I needed to buy enough meat for everyone who might show up, then about a 3rd didn't show up so me and Anna are eating lots of bbq this week. ;)  Inviting even more people A) wouldn't have fit in my garage and B) would cause me to waste even more food if a 3rd of those people didn't show up and C) would have cost me more, as it was I cleaned Wholefoods out of their buffalo meat hot dogs and most of their Nebraska 14% ground beef.

The party started off being social and then towards the end as people began leaving we switched to a 5 hour Zombies!!! game, it was pretty cool, each of us had a narrow window where we could have won, with 3 of us desperately trying to get to the heliport while Matt Matt tried to kill as many zombies for his army as possible.  We held off Matt Matt from taking the last zombie he needed to win for about 2 hours while he managed to hold off all 3 of us from getting to the heliport, it helped that each of us was also trying to stop each other from getting to the heliport while also stopping Matt Matt.  Finally Matt Matt won, like last time, it was just more brutal this time.

In addition to all of the gargoyle stuff my mom got me that I've been posting pictures of, I got star trek original crew pez dispensers from Josh, appropriate for the new movie coming out soon.  Lots and lots of D&D minis, thanks to my D&D crew from Saturdays.  They must not realize I'll be throwing all the monsters at them, mwa ha ha ha.  A large box of Spiderman paraphenelia thanks to my client Lee Millard, owner of Some gift certificates for places I go to regularly, thanks Syb and thanks Nick!

My gf got me the blue dragon D&D mini, by far my favorite dragon from the D&D sets, I had one before, it was taken when I accidentally left it when I moved out of my old house before we finished unpacking, in addition to Season 1 of the latest TMNT cartoon series, which its my goal to get all 6 seasons.  Its edgier, more based off the original comics I was a fan of when I was a kid.  Sunday I watched 6 episode, it was as good as I thought it'd be.

My gf said I got more toys than many kids for my bday, I'm ok with that, I like toys. :)

Thanks everyone for an awesome birthday. :)  Hopefully by next one I'll have a bigger house and can do a bigger party to invite more people so no one feels left out


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