Busy Social Calendar:
The first weekend was the wedding shower, the second weekend we were a pre-staging location for the wedding, plus my brother-in-law spent the night, this past weekend we hosted a combined birthday dinner for myself and my mother-in-law, and next weekend we're having friends over for my birthday. *whew* - not complaining, but it's hard to keep the house clean for so long! Nothing motivates my kids to play with a toy more then my putting it away. I think I'm going to leave the leaves in the table just to save time next weekend.
I finished spinning all the roving that
rhiannon76 bought me for Christmas. I was complaining to Jeremy that it was unfair that I ran out right as I felt I was getting the hang of it. He said, "Well, the Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival is coming up in May." That is true, but I decided I couldn't wait that long, so we went to Catonsville so I could go to
Cloverhill Yarn shop and buy some more roving. So I bought about 8 ounces each of a navy blue and cranberry color. Samantha really wanted me to buy the pink, but I compromised with her and let her pick a pink yarn out of the clearance basket instead.
So how did the teal roving come out? Well, I set the twist and rolled it into a ball, then gave it to my daughter to hold so her cuteness would make sure that no one could notice how some parts are very thin and twisty, but some are thick and not-twisty. I saw a Ravelry thread that referred to this stage of learning how to spin as "yarn barf." Yes, I can knit with it; I just need to be careful about what I try to knit with it.
So today I tried some of the new stuff. Samantha really wanted to to spindle a whirl, so I only did a little, and set the twist.
The picture is a little (well, a lot) dark, but this is more even than my first try. I tied some yarn onto the spindle so Samantha could give it a try. She doesn't quite have the coordination to spin it well, but she had fun messing with it.
Jeremy has a work trip to London, and after a few months of him saying how cool it will be, and how the exchange rate is getting better every day, I finally told him that I really want to go along. I wasn't going to, initially, because his trip is the same week as a concert I'm participating in, but I can leave after he does, then we can spend some time together after his work stuff is done. We are even looking to Paris! It would cost us $800 to take the train to Scotland, but only $300 to go to Paris. So I've been listening to French online to try to remember what I have lost in the 15 years since graduating from high school... If anyone knows of some must-see sights, let me know!