Nov 28, 2007 16:04
So I picked up my armchair general magazine along with a really cool book of a James Bond Encyclopedia but it was a great break to ease my mind after two papers and a test. That is the last thing I will ever get before Christmas which is coming up very quickly but not quick enough for my taste. I want to be on that airplane to New York and I want to be on dangerous ski slopes with my brother. 3 weeks will either speed by or grind through slowly I don't know which yet.I am on page 14 and now need to overhaul it through all the mistakes. I also need to add to get the last page and pull out a strict outline in order to prepare a 40 min lecture that I am giving at 4pm on Friday. Tonight I am going to the Pizza party at 6 and coming back home to work hard on my paper. It needs to be perfect because it is a 500 level class. French test went so/so. I knew a lot of it which was fine I guess. My parents are going to see So You Think You Can Dance Live tonight which is cool. I almost got to go because my dad had robots but he got out of it. Ive got to much school work anyways.