I'm conflicted about who to vote for in this upcoming election. Had you asked me three months ago, I would have said probably McCain. Then I fell for the incredible speaking power of Obama, right up until the teleprompter exited his field of vision. Then it was like the spell was broken and I was back in the McCain camp. Then McCain picked Sarah Palin as his VP and I was all for it. But lately, I don't know. Maybe its because the McCain supporters are throwing all their eggs in HER basket when she is the VP, and almost entirely forgetting McCain. Or maybe its because I'm starting to see the arguements against her combined with a very real chance she could be our next president if/when McCain goes down. While I stand by my original choice of Fred Thompson, and then behind my backup choice of John McClane, I'm less sure of this Palin/McCain ticket. And lets face it, the media, Hollywood, and Palin supporters have made this less about John McCain and more about Sarah Palin.
And shame on those who have, and shame on those who have turned Sarah Palin into a political savior. News flash. She's Not.