Nov 23, 2011 12:08
- Tue, 22:42: looks like ice cast works so a netcast will soon follow
- Tue, 23:49: always worth a watch. RT @ Talkmaster: I'll be here to Tweet the CNN Debate tonight .. the immediately after I'm on Fox Bidness.
- Wed, 01:06: why should the american people vote for either huntsman or romni as both appear only to be conservatives of convenience? #CNNdebate
- Wed, 02:47: #cain week on #seria Asaad has shown that political pressure does not work Only boots on the ground will bring about a change in #seria
- Wed, 02:49: #huntsman playing #hawk I'm not convinced
- Wed, 02:50: more proof #ronpaul good on the economy but nieve and ignorant on foreign affairs and national security
- Wed, 02:52: #ronpaul fails to realize that his form of isolationism prolonged WWI and would place the US in greater danger today.