Class Exercise

Mar 22, 2005 16:33

"Exercise - Secure Passwords

Good passwords should not be any word that's in the dictionary. In fact they should be a string of random nonsense that mixes numbers, symbols, lower case and upper case letters. They should also be at least 8 characters long and never be written down. You should also have at least two passwords (one for insecure things like newspapers or random websites, one for more secure things like your primary email or your bank). Oh, and your passwords should also be changed every few months.

Impossible you say???

What you do is you come up with an easy to remember pass phrase. Then you turn that phrase in to a kind of acronym, and change a few of the letters according to your own system. Finally, you hold down the shift key for part of the password.

Happy Birthday To You
hp bday 2 u
hp8d$Y@U -- now that is a damn good password

To change your password, you could use the same phrase, but change the words slightly or hold down the shift key at a different time.

Happy Birthday To You
hape bd t0 u

Write an example of this (not your real password of course). Show your work."

Taken From

Ok so i am going to try to make great password... but i cant use it (sad Face)

Ok here i go

Technical Director Mark

My dog skip

Ok thoes are the only two that i can think of right now...
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