Title: The Distance Between Ohio and Boston
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: Kurt/Blaine
Spoilers (if any): None.
Warnings (if any): None.
Word Count: ~3,700
Summary: Kurt and Blaine go back to Ohio for Christmas. Kurt does something really uncool, but so very, very Kurt.
This continues from:
Following Home These Thousand Names for Gratitude All the
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“Look, use whatever word you want. But if you're going to use that word, maybe we both need to stop thinking of this whole thing as playing house.”
Kurt nods. “I haven't been playing, and I need you to stop treating this whole thing as something happened to you.”
Was my favorite of the whole thing because it got right to the core of all of the things they aren't/can't/won't talk about.
I just love the uncertainty of this and how you don't just magically wave the hands and it's all fine and whatever.
And Blaine's observations about Brittany were super sweet and cute.
They are still avoiding lots of stuff, although now there is acknowledgement that they are avoiding stuff. The other issue, of course, is that everything isn't magically solved by Blaine having it out with his dad in some fashion.
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