So Mekhi Phifer has been cast as Rex. This is good because he's talented, believable, interesting, and less of the same-old for Torchwood. Man, I am already shipping him and Gwen as best-buddies against Jack's bullshit.
When it seemed like Rex was going to be cast as some random white boy (seriously, the original casting notice did say "Caucasian, 28" -- but we'll get back to that) I was pretty sure that there would be some major Jack/Rex frenemy sex going on.
Now, I'm both less sure of what's going to happen and more interested; this is not btw, because Rex is being played by a PoC (although yes, interracial relationships are still usually an Issue Story for US TV). It's because the stereotypical pretty boy thing has been killed and because Phifer reads older than 28 (we'll get back to that).
Also, having seen Phifer act in a bunch of stuff (why does no one remember Homicide? You're all missing out), I feel pretty confident saying that Rex's manner will not be that of a Jack clone (as I previously suspected). Or an Owen clone (as others have suspected). And I'll be really, really curious to see what RTD and team think this CIA agent thinks about our Big Queer Hero.
Of course, I can see a lot of avenues for cliche disaster (uptight US government man; man of color on the DL -- both avenues are potential disasters, although I suspect both avenues will also be avoided, but lord knows, you can't think about Torchwood without considering the possibility of some "Oh, I really wouldn't have gone there" choices), but we'll deal with that when we come to it.
Meanwhile, fandom reacts!
Some people are really happy! Yay!
Some people are like "no idea 'til I see it in action," which is perfectly reasonable.
And then some people are having the RaceFail. Anyone remember the wanks about Martha Jones in Doctor Who fandom? This is just like that, just without the misogyny. But I've already seen all sorts of random people who are unhappy for reasons that come down (and are only sometimes disguised) as "Mekhi Phifer's black."
Don't think he's hot? Not a fucking problem, although our opinions differ.
Pissed off that someone in the show has a function other than being eye-candy for you? Sort of screwy in my eyes, but hey, that's your deal.
Cranky because he's black? Check yourself and stop talking.
No, really. Just because you have the right to feel, think, and say anything you want, you shouldn't always do it in public. And trust me, I fuck shit up enough, I should know.
Meanwhile, one of the reactions I saw yesterday were variations on "But, but, but they told us Rex was 28 and white! Since that didn't happen, clearly no one wants to be in Torchwood!"
No. You were not told that. They never told us shit about Rex. You read a leaked casting call and don't understand the industry.
1. That casting was from Breakdown Services. Breakdown Services is a service subscribed to my agents and managers (and some sneaky actors) to see what's casting, so they can put their clients up for roles. The way an entry appears in BS is that the production company sends the script to BS. Someone at BS reads the script and writes the breakdown based on what they are seeing in the script. Production may or may not tweak.
2. At the point that something is sent to Breakdown Services, especially for a series, SCRIPTS ARE NOT FINALIZED. In fact, all there is probably is a draft of the first two episodes in which the character in question appears. Many things can still change.
3. Not all roles go to Breakdown Services.
4. Sometimes, a role will go out on breakdown services when there are already casting discussions in progress.
5. Rumours about casting can be many things including:
- totally random and false
- trial balloons
- an actor or his people getting over-excited about an audition
- someone speaking out of school inaccurately
- something announced close to it being finalized and then it doesn't happen because the actor got a better offer or something else has transpired.
All of which is to say you have no idea why or if someone rumored to have a part has turned it down.
What do I think happened with Rex and "caucasian and 28"?
One of several options:
Option 1: They wanted to cast a name in the part, preferably PoC. They knew, however, they might not find someone with the right chemistry, skills and availability for the role who was a name and decided that if they went with a non-name a random white pretty-boy was the largest potential audience draw, hence the casting and what went out on BS while they were simultaneously talking with names. I'm not saying this is not offensive; I'm saying this is often how shit goes.
Option 2: In the process of casting, they weren't finding someone they liked based on the original description and cast a wider net.
Option 3: Mekhi Phifer or his people went to production and said, "love this show, want to be on it, let me read for it."
Option 4: The script and character concept changed during the casting process. Consultants said Rex had to be over 30 to be believable. Market testing said the show needed PoC actors to have a broad audience base. Etc. DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE MARKET TESTING in US TV PRODUCTION AND HOW DRAFT-Y DRAFTS ARE.
But here's what didn't happen:
- They didn't have trouble finding an actor willing to take the part. Actors want to work. Period. So the "Torchwood has a bad reputation"/Somethingsomethingsomething about Ianto? NO. YOU ARE WRONG. DO NOT SAY IT IN COMMENTS HERE.
- They didn't purposely lie to the audience -- BREAKDOWNS AREN'T FOR THE AUDIENCE AND ARE NEVER FINAL.