

Aug 19, 2010 08:49

  • So, Naperville. We're here. We're about to go downstairs for the free breakfast buffet and then take the shuttle to the train station to go to my wonderful Chicago. Thank you all for your offers of rescue. We may need them on Saturday or Sunday, when this will get more complex (Friday's the wedding). It has utterly warmed my heart after what has been a stressful 24 hours.

  • Here, have a thing about the first time I came to Chicago.

  • I am sitting at the desk typing and Patty says, "you look like a naked businessman." She is teh AWESOME.

  • Over 500 people have answered the poll about cursive writing. I am in awe that you care about this more than vampires and the formal voice and that it's so emotional a subject for people. Really, REALLY, interesting stuff. Thank you for playing.

  • Last night we did actually catch the very powerful Rachel Maddow/Keith Olberman coverage of our kinda, sorta withdrawal from Iraq.

  • I have been asked to comment on this guide to menswear related to Inception. Yes, it is good and accurate as a fic-writing guide. Go read it. I have things to add (the OP is quite clear that this is a brief overview, and for a brief overview it's quite long) but will do so later and yes there are simplifications and omissions in there that will make it seem very problematic to people who already have this type of knowledge.

  • Things that should never have to be news, pt. 1: Muslim prayers welcome at Pentagon chapel.

  • Things that should never have to be news, pt. 2: Dr. Laura being appallingly racist, and for bonus fail misunderstanding the first Amendment, which does not, in fact, give anyone the right to say anything anywhere at any time to anyone without criticism. I've had that particular chestnut used against me when I ban people for being assholes and it pisses me off. Your right to be an asshole comes with my right to call you on it and not let you be an asshole in my house.

  • The OUT NYC Gay Resort, which much to my surprise is clear on the L, B and T in LGBT.

  • Yes, I have seen the character summaries for TW S4 and I am okay with them, because seriously, back of the book copy is usually pretty wack.

  • In a comment to a post a few days ago, I discovered that at least one of you have not heard of Angels in America (originally a play the HBO miniseries of it was surprisingly excellent). It, and despite my issues with it Rent, and The Laramie Project should all be on your queer cultural literacy list if they are not.

  • White Collar on Tuesday: need to re-watch because I was in the middle of laundry and missed a few key scenes, and also because I want to do a serious critique of the card playing stuff in it. You will have this soon.

  • Covert Affairs on Tuesday: It would have been a better, more serious show, if the hit on the aide having the affair had come clearly from the CIA and been successful, because I want Annie to have to deal with bigger murkiness than she has thus far. Hey, don't yell, I liked CoE. That said, AUGGIE! Holy shit that plotline. Also, I stand by my pre-series Auggie/Joan feelings of awesome. Watch this show people, it has just gotten AWESOME.

  • Hey, today? Ianto Jones would have been 27. No, I didn't know that on my own, tw_gleeclub told me. But, I share, wistfully, because I care.
  • sundries

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