I have, for the last two nights, been sleeping with an eye mask on. Our bedroom gets a lot of light from neighboring buildings (our "fake moonlight," we call it) and a lot of sun early in the mornings. I am sleeping much more deeply and for many more hours than I have in the past, and this is exciting. On the other hand, I no longer wake up gradually, but in pitch blackness am completely freaked out by my alarm every momrning. WE'll see how long this experiment lasts.
Some work today, then a friend's bday thingy.
Current auctions at graduate_maria are now closed. I will be doing all the auction close business for those auctions in a bit. Then! Tomorrow, I will post some new items (signed books, a beautiful scarf, etc.) and open those, as well as everything that has yet to receive bids to bidding. Unless you are an auction winner or the sponsor of an auction that has been won, please refrain from commenting over there today for my sanity.
I've neglected to mention that Anne Rice has left organized Christianity because of what she deems its anti-gay, anti-feminist stance. Now, as you all know, some Christian churches fit that description and some don't, but I note this here largely because when I read The Vampire Lestat at twelve, on a dare, my father threatened to have me exorcised, and it was with great glee he reported Rice's conversion to me. I'll surely be hearing about this soon.
Possibly only funny to a certain subset of TW fen: I have an audition next week for a radiotheater-style stage production using material by Lovecraft. I would very much like to book this. ETA: Dammit, dammit, dammit, the show schedule is nearly impossible for me. I could probably make it work, but it might be epically stressful. Currently undecided about what to do.
Last night on Angel and Buffy: Wesley's at his most interesting, at least in terms of how he's written, when he's trying to shape someone into what they need to be to get the job done. He likes his brutal girls, and he likes being brutal to them. I blame the Watchers, but it's still profoundly unsettling -- Justine, Lilah, Faith. And what's he going to do to Fred?
Speaking of Fred, Jesus riding a raptor, can we resolve the Gunn, Fred, WEsley love triangle once and for all?
Also, let me get this straight, Cordy (pregnant with a demon baby) is possessed by an evil entity that seems to be male and is being all affectionate in its own special way towards Angel. The baby may be Connor's or the Beast's and is growing really fast and Connor doesn't think any of this sounds like total crap and WHAT THE FUCK?
On the other hand I love "First Date" over on Buffy, even if the stuff with the Chinese chick was extremely heavy-handed (although I suppose it beats the alternative). Giles shutting Xander the fuck down when he was all "maybe I should turn gay" was so fantastic, SO fantastic, because yes, they all have real things to worry about, and he's being bogglingly offensive, and the moment is so great because Giles, who gets around in every which direction, clearly takes it fucking personally. WIN.
There were also a lot of Spike and Buffy moments I loved in this episode, and I AM SO GLAD THE HOTTIE PRINCIPAL IS NOT EVIL.