

Jun 14, 2010 09:41

  • Yesterday felt like the day Patty and I never quite woke up. We both got done what we needed to do and not much more, and I assume it's from the whole walking and sun thing on Saturday. Annoyingly, I still feel a bit like that today, which is no good as I have an important audition.

  • I scraped through this round of WIAD by the skin of my teeth.

  • Anyone having problems with the most recent Blackberry software update? When I try to send outgoing gmail now, it just sort of sits there in the open message window. Is there a way to reboot or something?

  • USB typewriter.

  • thornsilver found this bit of dysfunction from Canary Wharf. Fun for Torchwood fen.

  • Two marines arrested after beating a gay man for winking at them.

  • A NYT editorial in support of equal marriage rights.

  • Gay best friends crowned prom king and queen at their high school, and for a change from recent news stories, most everyone was cool with it. via ginmar.

  • While survival rates for oiled birds and other wildlife is low, some argue that we must keep trying to save them.

  • If you were a sea turtle, what sort of video would you take? I am completely mesmerized by this.

  • Unemployed and looking for work? Better not let a potential employer know. Lots are refusing to hire the unemployed, regardless of reason for said unemployment.

  • Meanwhile, Arizona's charge to hate EVERYONE has been going on for a while, did you know they also rescinded benefits for domestic partners and their children?

  • I am struck, watching Angel, how drawn we (we, audiences? we, fandom? I am not sure) are to narratives of becoming. It's why Wesley's arc is so fucking satisfying. It's why the Snape arc fizzles in the 7th HP book (in book 4 and book 6 he steps up into more and frightening things merely hinted at... in book 7, snake bubble to the head and a discovery that he's solely living in the past) and it's why Ianto's death is such a fucking punch -- there was transformation and now we're never going to see into what.

    So I sort of get the impression that Wesley and Lilah are actually quite fond of each other. I'm oddly charmed. OMG with the phone sex. Also, damn does Alexis Denisof have a fine body. I think those things a lot, but I don't say them because it's a little boring and a little weird, but damn.

    And thank crap we got Lorne back. Am concerned about the Cordy amnesia plot.
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